Monday, June 6, 2011


While reading my daily devotional, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, I stumbled upon this (written from Jesus' perspective), "Thank Me for each blessing along the way; this brings Joy to both you and Me.  A grateful heart protects you from negative thinking.  Thankfulness enables you to see the abundance I shower upon you daily.  Your prayers and petitions are winged into heaven's throne room when they are permeated with thanksgiving.  In everything give thanks, for this is My will for you."

Wow.  You'd think Sarah Young and Ann Voskamp shared notes before writing!  Better yet, they both have grown to intimately know our Heavenly Father and He has given them the same glimpse of His heart...a heart that longs for us, His children, to lavish gratitude at His feet while joy finds itself a part of our every breath regardless of the present circumstances.

How easy this is to write, but how difficult it is to put into practice each and everyday.  I am learning and I can already tell that God is at work.


I've been counting more gifts.  God is gracious and a I am grateful...

#42  Laundry - I am thankful for the man and little girl that wear the clothes that I wash

#46  Watching Addison interact with a newborn baby for the first time - tender, sweet, gentle, soothing; 100% motherly

#47  A shy green tomato slowly making its grand appearance as the first vegetable in our new garden!

#59  A cool home on a very hot day

#72 Addison's little arms giving me tight leg hugs, first the right, then the left

#95  The endless fun and entertainment of bubbles for a 16 month old

#96  Capturing this priceless moment on camera - quite a feat for a constantly moving toddler!  How I will treasure this photo forever....

#100  Morning walks and talks with a good friend

#104  A summer day enjoyed with our little family of 3 - an afternoon at the pool shared with friends, making and eating fresh Zucchini Parmesan next to My Hero, playing in the sprinkler after dinner, and an inviting bed welcoming rest

#105  Addison saying "love you" without being asked!

#106  Cleaning up one mess after another - I am so thankful for a little girl who can make a mess.  It saddens me beyond words to think of all the women who desperately long to have a baby or a healthy child in their arms.  When cleaning up after her becomes a chore, I now recognize that my attitude must change as well as my perspective.  Each cluttered room is a gift and one day she will be able to clean up after herself...another gift yet to be opened!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." 
-Psalm 107:1


  1. #96 NICE! great list! So much to be thankful for!

  2. LOVE THAT PHOTO!!! What an absolute precious treasure and the sprinkler one makes me laugh out loud!
